Monday, January 31, 2011

Sir Fartsalot hunts the Booger

Cole picked up this book during our drive to Texas.  He read it quickly and left it on my nightstand with a hand-written note "For you to read, Mom"  So I read it.  Silly, silly, but fun book!

No, it's no Harry Potter, but the play on words in hilarious and it feels like it needs to be read with a roomful of armpit farting 6-10 year olds busting a gut at the silly jokes and crazy names like "Sir Fartsalot"  "Sir Cedric Knotaclew"  who are off hunting the "Booger."

If your kids love the potty jokes, you've got to read them "Sir Fartsalot."


  1. You should check out "There's a Monster up my Nose" by Richard and Elizabeth Hawley (they are my cousins). It's probably not as funny, but it's about how a kid is always picking his nose. Cole might like it. ;)
