Thursday, March 24, 2011


Jane has been out with the flu for 4 days now.  Fever, bodyaches and she has an AWFUL neck cramp that she won't move.  She'll only hold her head the way you see it in the picture.  If you do anything that requires she use her neck muscle, she bursts into tears.  Poor thing.

We took her to the instanacare to make sure she wasn't holding her head that way to protect a sore ear or something, but all was good... except the kink in her neck.  They recommended the normal heat, ice and ibuprofen for it.  Nothing's working.  Looks like it's time a blessing.

I asked her if she wanted to smile for the picture. 
She whispered 'Yes' and gave me this face.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry. We just went through this at our house. Never have you seen all my children sit so still. And Anna had bags under her eyes for almost 2 weeks. Poor babies. :( After our flu hit, the nasal congestion started. Mean trick and I hope she doesn't get that.
