Sunday, December 26, 2010

Macy a.k.a Rupunzel

Macy received this "Tangled" headband as part of her 12 days of Christmas gifts from her Nana and Papa.  She insisted on wearing it all day for multiple days on end. "Can I wear this in my bath, Mom?"

She is infatuated with the idea of having long hair (I was too at her age, wore half slips on my head... my poor girls inherited my hair that won't grown 'til their 5).  She tried brushing it, had me put it in a ponytail with her other hair, "Oh, Mom... it looks so beautiful!"  She would dance and spin letting the hair flip around.

Now it's a mangled, gnarled mess, but every few days it come out and the twirling starts again.  Love that four year old imagination.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, used to pretend to have long hair. I did the half-slip thing, but usually it was a nightgown that had elastic in the top. How fun!
