Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Uhh... what's on that car?

Ends up that I was driving behind the google maps street view car, while it was taking pics of Pecan Street here in Pflugerville... so if you see a white minivan... that's me!

Truck cut me off before I got a pic, but found this one online that looks just like it.

I'm okay with being a dork about this.  Cheap thrill... for me at least.


  1. Not a dork! You should have pulled over, ran up the street in front of it so you would be in the picture!! If you look at our street, our neighbor Marilyn is out watering her lawn. So cooL! I'm quite jealous. to we score that job?

  2. So, look up my old address on google maps and you'll see me in the driveway looking right into the camera of the car. I thought that was pretty cool! :)

  3. I LOVE IT! I had always tried to picture in my mind how they did that. Awesome!
